Tips for Enhancing the Post-Purchase Experience

Enhance your eCommerce post purchase experience and delivery process with custom tracking information, return labels, and order confirmation emails.
Tips for Enhancing the Post-Purchase Experience
3 Min Read
June 2, 2019
Jules Garcia
3 min read
June 2, 2019

Key Points:

  • Packing slips are needed for customers to see the details of the products they ordered and to confirm that the shipment arrived with all items included
  • With Easyship, you can customize your tracking landing page by including eye-catching ad images and choosing from various different call-to-action buttons
  • You have the ability to include important contact information and brand assets to enhance your tracking emails with Easyship

While it’s good to have an acquisition strategy in place for your eCommerce store, it’s just as important to provide a smooth, post-purchase experience for all customers.

Having a good customer experience after a purchase has been completed can help towards building positive brand association, and can greatly influence brand loyalty. In fact, a holiday survey done by Dropoff showed that only 20% of consumers are likely to purchase from a retailer again after a negative delivery experience.

There are opportunities within the after-sales period that you can consider using to ensure you are maintaining customer engagement levels while providing excellent customer service.

1. Take Advantage of Transactional Emails

When a customer successfully places an order, your fulfillment flow probably looks like the following:

  • Pick and pack the order
  • Use your favorite shipping software to generate the shipping label
  • Send the package
  • Email the customer with a tracking notification to keep them posted on delivery

Did you know that there are opportunities within this flow to maintain brand visibility?

Consider this:

  • Invoices are a required document to include in shipments for many countries
  • Packing slips are needed for customers to see the details of the products they ordered and to confirm that the shipment arrived with all items included
  • Transactional emails such as tracking emails have an average open rate of 48%- which is very high compared to non-transactional emails.
  • A 2015 report on the state of eCommerce delivery found that 88% of all survey respondents said they track the status of their online orders.

Clearly, these communications get eyeballs, which means you can use this prime real estate for extending your brand and providing additional promotions, all with the end goal of increasing retention and revenues.

2. Continue the Conversation with Branded Tracking Emails

With the majority of online customers tracking the status of their online order, sending tracking emails is not just being proactive - it’s also very much expected.

Since the open rates for these emails are relatively high, this is a good opportunity to show your customers that the lines of communication are open. Should there be any questions about their delivery status, or if they need assistance tracking a missing shipment, your tracking email will be a good place for your customer to start this conversation?

On Easyship, you have the ability to include important contact information and brand assets to enhance your tracking email.

Here's an example of a branded tracking email:

DUNDER MIFFLIN INC Branded Tracking Email Example
  • Adding your logo is proof that this communication is officially from your brand.
  • When you enter the URL to your contact page, it will be linked here. Customers can use this link to raise any issues they may come across with your customer service department.
  • You also have the chance to include additional messaging. Ideas include expressing thanks for their business and inviting them to see how your other customers are using your products through your social media handles or special hashtags associated with the items they purchased.

For step-by-step instructions on how to create your branded tracking emails on Easyship, visit our tracking email tutorial.

3. Increase Revenues by Upselling on Customized Landing Pages

Now that your customer is actively tracking their shipment, you can use the tracking status landing page as an opportunity to raise awareness of new product launches or upcoming sales and special promotions.

With Easyship, you can customize your tracking landing page by including eye-catching ad images and choosing from various different call-to-action buttons. These CTAs can link back to your website and encourage additional sales.

Here’s what a fully customized landing page can look like:

DUNDER MIFFLIN INC Customized Landing Page Example
  • Your logo will appear at the top of the page.
  • When clicking on the Contact Us button, a pop-up will show information such as your website, contact email, and phone number.
  • Include an eye-catching ad image that will entice your customer to re-visit your site.
  • Choose from 10 different call-to-action buttons that can link back to your website.
  • Insert any custom message - additional discount codes, thank you's, or special promotions for return customers.
  • Include your social media handles so customers can see your social proof.

For step-by-step instructions on how to create your customized landing page on Easyship, visit our tracking page tutorial.

4. Use Branded Packing Slips to Encourage Online Social Proof

Your shipment arrived safely to your customer - wonderful! While packing slips have a reputation for being utilitarian, making an effort to personalize this required document can help spread brand love during the unboxing experience.

As this is the last customer touchpoint, make the most of this moment by including any special promotions to encourage a return purchase. And now that they have your product in hand, this is also a great opportunity to get user-generated content by encouraging your customer to leave a review of your product, or share photos, stories, or videos on social media using your branded hashtags.

Here's what a branded packing slip looks like on Easyship:

DUNDER MIFFLIN INC Branded Packing Slip Example

1. You can upload your company logo and have it shown at the top of the slip.

2. You can include any special promotions or branded hashtags, in addition to requesting a review on your website.

3. Show your website at the bottom so customers know where to find you.

For step-by-step instructions on how to create your branded packaging slips on Easyship, visit our packing slip tutorial.


By making an effort to include your branding and promotions in your transactional assets, you can ensure that you're taking every opportunity to encourage customer engagement and stay on top of your marketing game.

You can access these features on the Easyship dashboard by going to Settings and choosing “Customer Emails”, “Tracking Page”, and “Packing Slip”, respectively.

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